Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Allergies??? Read This..

4 Natural Remedies for Sinusitis/Allergies 

1.  Turmeric – Thanks to a powerful compound found in turmeric known as curcumin, turmeric possesses powerful health benefits. Among the health benefits of turmeric is the spice’s ability to treat sinus infection. Curcumin helps to heal the sinus cavity and clear the airways. Since sinus infections are caused by nasal inflammation, and turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, the spice can be seen as one of the existing natural cures for sinus infection.

2.  Antranex - Is the best all natural anti histamine on the market. Has been ranked as one of the best supplements for opening up sinuses. This has been recommended by natural physicians all over the world. Some even offer a money back guarantee if it doesn't help. Suggested taking 3-4 tablets 3 times a day during acute sinus problems.  1-2 times a day for maintenance during allergy season.  Sinus problems have been eliminated within 30min. On sale at Legacy Clinic for $18.00

3.  Yoga Pose (Fish Pose) is another great way to open the chest, lungs and throat to free the breath. This pose stimulates the thymus gland, which is located under the sternum. This is particularly important in young children with allergies, as the ability of the thymus to regulate the lymphatic system and help establish immunities significantly decreases after puberty.

4.  Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a hailed sinus infection treatment. Being just one of many apple cider vinegar uses, countless individuals attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against a multitude of health conditions, including sinus infection. One of the most powerful ways to use ACV is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey. The sinus infection could vanish within just a few days. Another option when taking apple cider vinegar is to simply take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily, whether diluted to ingest throughout the day or made to ingest quickly. Lastly, you can also try steaming with apple cider vinegar; mix ~1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 of water, heat it on the stove, and inhale the steam with mouth and eyes closed. I recommend using organic ACV over non-organic.

Legacy Health
Our mission is to educate the world on how to improve their quality of life and function at a full potential. 

John Theeck D.C.
1950 Laurel Manor Dr Ste. 204
The Villages, FL 32162
p. 352-259-0024
f. 352-430-1904

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