Thursday, May 19, 2022

Prolozone Therapy: Safe and Effective Shoulder Injury Treatment

Did you know that there are new, safe, and effective therapies for arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and other joint issues that can be done at Legacy Clinic?


Prolozone, which is a combination of “proliferation” and “ozone,” is a safe and effective injection into the joint that includes ozone, a safe oxygen product found naturally in the atmosphere. These injections can help create a regenerating effect on damaged joints and other musculoskeletal parts of the body, all while creating a non-inflammatory response. This keeps you safe and comfortable while the injections encourage the body to use its natural healing abilities.


Shoulder pain can be debilitating, but there are Prolozone treatments that are a safe and effective measure to not just ease the pain but can even reverse the cause of the pain. Using the power of three combined oxygen atoms, Prolozone allows the body to naturally regenerate. The pain of many treatments comes from the inflammatory response they produce, but Prolozone is proven to create healing benefits without the pain and discomfort of excessive inflammation. Prolozone treatments can be used for tendonitis or bursitis of the shoulder, labral tears, frozen shoulder, and torn rotator cuffs.

Dr. Aaron Perry DOM has been in the holistic healing field since 1997, and his training and expertise can help you to feel your best with minimal side effects. A graduate of the prestigious Florida College of Integrated Medicine, Dr. Perry can bring out your body’s natural healing response in a simple office visit. 


If you’re interested in Prolozone Injections in the Villages at Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic, call 352-259-0024 to inquire about an appointment with Dr. Perry.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

How Chiropractic Adjustments Help Neck Pain?

The advent of smartphones has proved to be devastating for our necks. Prolonged slouching over your phone screen, and checking out Facebook reels can lead to the development of neck issues such as text neck syndrome and neck pain. 


According to a study, 43.6% of individuals suffer from text neck syndrome. This means neck pain and abnormalities are now more common than ever. Therefore, there is an ultimate need to fix the neck before things get out of hand. 


Neck pain can be the outcome of different underlying abnormalities including whiplash injury, cervical spine injuries, degenerative diseases of the spine, and poor postures. Pharmacological interventions for neck pain do seem to provide monetary relief but you need a practical solution for long-term pain relief. 


A chiropractic adjustment is an efficient and safe way to say goodbye to neck pain. You can easily appreciate the following benefits of chiropractic adjustments for neck pain:

1.  Alleviation Of Pain And Disability 

It was revealed in a practice-based feasibility study that people with acute neck pain report considerable reductions in pain and disability scores. The study validated chiropractic treatment to be a safe and effective way of alleviating neck pain.


The different types of chiropractic procedures (cervical spine manipulation and mobilization) have astonishing effects on pain and disability levels in neck pain patients, a study suggests.

2. Improvement In Mobility 

Neck pain is usually accompanied by shoulder spasms and pain that gravely reduces your mobility. This can be attributed to the fear of pain on movement i.e. kinesiophobia


This is why neck pain can be debilitating at times. Chiropractic treatment can help restore the muscle and joint balance of the cervical region, thereby, allowing you to enjoy a better range of motion. 


Chiropractic care positively influences the pain perception of the body and allows a better range of motion.

3. Reduction Of Daily Medicines 

You won't be needing painkillers and muscle relaxants to get you going. Chiropractic adjustments actually fix the underlying neck issues (musculoskeletal) and improve your performance, thereby, reducing your dependence on analgesic medicines.

Where Can I Get The Best Chiropractic Treatment For My Neck Pain?

You should visit the Legacy Health Clinic to rejuvenate your muscles and bless your neck! 


Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic is located in The Villages, Florida. Please contact 352-259-0024 to schedule your appointment today.