By placing sterile needles at specific nerve points in the body (acupuncture points), licensed acupuncturists can stimulate the body’s healing capabilities to relieve pain, nausea, and a variety of other health symptoms. Many doctors believe that acupuncture affects the body’s hormonal and neurological systems and stimulates the release of beta-endorphins, which cause happiness and even euphoria.
Acupuncture has its roots in China, but the modern-day practice and results certainly fall into the realm of Western medical science. The ancient Chinese believed that the flow of qi (pronounced chi) in the body could be influenced at specific points, giving rise to the acupressure points we know today. These points have been identified as nerves, or nerve clusters, that can be stimulated to affect the body on a biological level.
Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture is scientifically/clinically proven to work to relieve pain, nausea, and even depression. The National Institutes of Health, run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, refers to acupuncture as a treatment for specific pain conditions and acknowledges that ongoing research seeks to reveal what other symptoms acupuncture is effective at treating.
Acupuncture is typically recommended for people suffering from chronic pain, which would usually require the person to take traditional pain medication that may become addictive. The process can ease chronic pain naturally and reduce or eliminate the amount of pain medication the chronically ill person is taking. Acupuncture is not addictive and can be a valuable option enabling those with chronic pain conditions to manage that pain.
Acupuncture is an essential option for those dealing with pain and other uncomfortable symptoms from a variety of sources. It can even promote healing and growth in your nervous system and release positive hormones like endorphins to make you feel emotionally better. If you’re looking for a non-addictive, traditional alternative to other treatments or medications, acupuncture is an excellent option for you.
If you are looking for acupuncture or would like a consultation with an acupuncturist, please contact Legacy Clinic in The Villages. Legacy Clinic is located in the heart of The Villages, FL featuring Dr. Aaron Perry DOM.
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