Sunday, November 21, 2021

Prolozone For Knee Pain

Prolozone for knee pain is available at Legacy Clinic of Chiropractic in The Villages.  Prolozone can be effective in regenerating the cartilage in damaged knees.

Knees are prone to generating either bone or ligament pain. Knees are hinged joints that take a lot of wear and tear from walking, running, twisting, and falling. Over the years, that hinged joint consisting of the femur and tibia can degenerate or joints can wear away. Ligaments that protect from anterior, lateral, posterior, and rotation movements hold the joint together.


Ozone joint Therapy is a natural, non-surgical, minimally invasive, regenerative therapy used for many kinds of joint pain or injury. Due to the nature of ozone, it can work synergistically with the body, providing nutrition and oxygen supply to a particular area or joint. Ozone joint therapy consists of two phases. The first is adding proper nutrients to the injured area (i.e. vertebra, ligament, tendon, muscle, connective tissue, joint space, etc.) by injecting a solution of liquid vitamins, minerals, and homeopathic.  This aids in anti-inflammation to reduce swelling and increase circulation. And finally, the area is infiltrated with oxygen in the form of ozone. A special concentration is generated depending on the condition from a medical-grade longevity ozone generator. Over the next few days, the ozone gas will work by oxidizing the injected site, increasing red blood cell production, and improving the intake of oxygen, This will result in an increase in cellular and healing activity at the injected site resulting in a reduction of pain.


If you are looking for a natural treatment for joint pain, back pain, arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, or muscle injuries; contact Legacy Clinic in The Villages for your consultation. Legacy Clinic is located in the heart of The Villages, FL featuring chiropractors, doctors of oriental medicine, massage therapists, and trainers. 


To become pain-free and start enjoying life, call us at 352-259-0024.


Dr. Aaron Perry DOM is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine at Legacy Clinic in The Villages and certified in Ozone Injections. 

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