Monday, January 7, 2019

Improve Your Foundation

Dr. Chris is certified to provide Foot Levelers custom orthotics. Foot Levelers are not just any pair of inserts that you can get at the drug store. These inserts are custom made for you based on a 3D scan of your feet. This scan takes into account all of your arches (yes, there is more than one), it measures for how much pressure you place on your feet and in which areas. This means that your inserts are meant just for you.

Why should anyone get inserts for their shoes? Proper support for your feet is very important because the rest of you is supported from this point. If your feet are not supported, everything above your feet isn't properly supported either. Properly fitted inserts can help to prevent fallen arches, take stress off your other joints, and relieve pain. Often, people with these orthotic inserts find themselves able to go much further as well.
For more information, contact us at:
Phone - 352.259.0024
Email -

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